As most people know nowadays, having a presence online is a big deal for businesses, although many business owners have been reluctant to make the shift towards an online enterprise. This is understandable, as they may spent decades getting the hang of how to run their business in a way which is successful, and all the knowledge they have about business was learned outside of an internet focussed world. Even so, by not linking up your business with all of the people searching for products and services online, you could be missing out on massive opportunities; particularly among younger generations.
Even with this argument being well based in fact, not all businesses are subject to the need for an online presence (although most are). A good way for you to check how necessary it is, is to check online yourself, to see if many of your competitors are currently operating an online enterprise. It may also be worthwhile to hire a web marketing agency to conduct a study of your field online, as they will be able to determine how much you have to gain by making the move to a higher degree of reliability.